Workplace engagement

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Workplace category

Workplace engagement

Build a positive culture to be proud of.

Foster positive organisational values, beliefs, behaviours, goals, attitudes and work practices.

  • Do you communicate your expectations and encourage collaborative relationships?
  • How do you recognise employees who show positive behaviours in line with your culture?
  • Do you provide wellbeing activities to boost employee engagement and create meaningful connections?
  • Are you promoting healthy practices so employees can pursue better physical and mental health at work and in their own time?


What you can do

Understand the dynamics of your team by talking about recent events or challenges. Manage change well by listening, refining and empowering new ways of thinking.


1. Communication and consultation

Offer clear and ongoing collaborative communication with workers at all levels.

  • Tell your team about how and why decisions are made
  • Consult with employees when planning change
  • Encourage feedback and participation during consultations


2. Recognition

Provide recognition to those employees who demonstrate positive behaviours.

  • Formally or informally congratulate employees and/or teams when tasks are done well
  • Implement a rewards program
  • Recognise or celebrate exceptional efforts of those supporting a healthier work environment


3. Relationships

Encourage a culture of collaboration, respect and support.

  • Encourage honest, open communication at all levels to embed trust
  • Give information and/or training to promote positive workplace relationships
  • Ask employees to check in with each other – in person or virtually


4. Fairness and equity

Manage change transparently and ask employees to provide input. Offer conflict resolution options.

  • Give all employees equal and fair access to rewards, recognition, development and advancement opportunities
  • Create a confidential complaint handling process
  • Give employees options to appeal when a decision doesn’t go their way


4. Wellbeing

Build trust and loyalty through social team interactions. Encourage healthy individual behaviours.

  • Create a yearly wellbeing calendar of events and activities – get employee input
  • Offer optional presentations on mental health and wellbeing topics
  • Include time for social interactions or personal updates at staff meetings



Please note: These are only suggested resources. Organisations should consider their own needs when selecting resources to use.


Communication and consultation






Fairness and equity

